
Saturday, April 10, 2010


Created by French chemist, Louis Pasteur in the 1800's, pasteurization is the process of heating a liquid to a specific temperature for a specific amount of time without allowing re contamination. This process kills off the bacteria making a uniform quality among the milk industry. There are many reason this isn't a good thing. For one, the original product can have an extremely high bacteria count because that bacteria will be killed during the heating process. That in itself promotes bad farming practices and makes the commercial cow barely genetically resemble a cow. Most commercially raised cows are given a growth hormone that stimulates the pituitary glad. These hormones are secreted into the milk. This can cause growth abnormalities and is also associated with the formation of tumors and cancer. Cows taking this hormone are prone to many diseases and secrete puss into their milk and therefore are given a high amount of antibiotics. Looking at the point that modern practices of using a stainless steal tank and the modern milking machine, plus efficient packaging, makes pasteurization unnecessary. There are still outbreaks of salmonella in pasteurized milk, so what is it protecting us from? When pasteurized milk gets old, it goes rancid. Raw milk sours with age and is still useable for baking. Pasteurization also kills beneficial bacteria, minerals and vitamins and causes the fatty acids to become rancid. The high lactose content of pasteurized milk causes unnecessary strain on the pancreas and may be a cause of diabetes. Pasteurized milk lacks enzymes which are necessary for assimilating minerals such as calcium, which is why you can drink pasteurized milk and still get osteoporosis. Then there are the synthetic petroleum based vitamins they fortify the milk with. They are toxic….enough said.
Drink Raw Milk. Raw milk can be bought directly from many farms. Inquire as to what they feed their cows and how they pasture them. But under no circumstances should anyone drink pasteurized milk.

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