
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quick Facial

This is the first entry for some great make-at-home beauty treatments! They are easy, and all natural ingredients! Here is a 3 step quick facial with some easy ingredients you probably already have!

1. Steam- Boil water and place into a large bowl. With a towel over your head, place your face 6 inches or so from the water. Hold there for 30 seconds. Take a break. Repeat. Take a break. Repeat. You will steam for a total of 3 times.

2. Exfoliate -  In a bowl, mix together fine cornmeal and a little water so it's paste like consistency. Scrub your face gently with the mixture and rinse thoroughly.

3. Moisturizing Mask - In a bowl, mix together one egg white and a tablespoon of plain yogurt. Spread all over your face, avoiding your eyes. Leave on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, finishing with a splash of cold water to close pores.

That's it! So easy and your face will feel great!

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